Standing with the egg

1 min readMay 18, 2021

While reading the excerpt, i felt a large shift in mindset because of the metaphor that was being used. Initially, people most likely would like to side with the stronger and more aggressive side just because of it’s sheer strength and ability to overcome these impractical obstacles. However, this excerpt made me think that, that side is not always the best side to take, that side is not always the right one. Sometimes the more vulnerable and weak side is the right side to join. Violence is not the answer to peace. Sometimes you have to choose not to fight fire with fire, instead use peace and vulnerability as your fire. Innocent people die every day because of violence and people who are too stuck up to be vulnerable and ultimately human. These people should not gain as much support as they do, instead, more support and strength should be given to the vulnerable group who use their humanity to overcome obstacles.

