Cleanliness SQUIDD

1 min readMay 12, 2021

While reading this poem, I came across one quote which stopped me in my tracks and made me think for a second. Kahe explained that “[her] grandmother knows one culture-the right one”. Although this single line could cause a lot of controversy because of the vast amounts of cultures that others follow, maybe she is right, maybe the grandmothers culture is the right one to follow. Washing your feet in the sink is a symbol of a clean mind, a clean body, and just an all around clean and peaceful life. She goes on the explain all of the incredible and spiritual places in which their feet have been cleaned, which shows that having this clean and peaceful mind can lead to endless and beautiful possibilities. People could disagree with what she has to say about having the right culture, but having opinions and higher liking's of certain things are normal. Not everyone has to follow that culture, but in the grandmothers eyes, her culture is the best.

